Hlas, Ivan & Nahlas
Ivan Hlas & Nahlas

  • Format: CD
  • Band: Hlas, Ivan & Nahlas
  • Title: Ivan Hlas & Nahlas
  • Band's Origin: CS
  • Style: Folkrock
  • Rating: 4
  • Release Year: 2024
  • Recording Year: 1986
  • Production Year: 1986/2024
  • Record Company: Supraphon
  • Item's Number: SU 6943-2
  • Color of the Label:
  • Edition:
  • Extras: digipak
  • EAN: 099925694326
  • Weight: 70 g
  • Visual: new
  • Acoustic:
  • Cover: new

Supraphon Release Information

The cult and debut album of Ivan Hlas will be released again on LP and CD in the year of his seventieth birthday!

The rerelease boasts a meticulous remastering that was taken from the original tapes, complete lyrics and a redesign of the cover artwork by the original creators. The line-up of the band that united with the singer Ivan Hlas in the studio in 1986 was truly stellar. Guitarist Pavel Skála, violinist Pavel Cingl, bassist Pavel Kučera, drummer Jiří Horálek, keyboardist Vlastimil Voral and saxophonist Jiří “Isan” Novotný combined Hanspaulian songwriting and Neil-Young-melodics. The album “Ivan Hlas & Nahlas” moves from folk, rock and blues to reggae with lyrics “from life” so to speak – that is, about girls, pubs and everyday moods. Songs like “Bejvaly časy” (Once upon a Time), “Neznámá zem” (Unknown Land) or “Paní Baloghová” (Mrs. Baloghová) became hits that still have a place in the legendary singer-songwriter’s repertoire.


1. Tanečník 3:01
2. Láska je krám 4:09
3. Kde jsi 2:51
4. Tango 4:05
5. Potichu si zpívej 6:15
6. O nás třech 4:51
7. Možná 3:06
8. Bejvaly časy 3:50
9. Paní Baloghová 3:12
10. Neznámá zem 4:54
11. Legendární víla 3:56
12. Zimní 2:58
13. Trable s Kateřinou 3:24
14. Zas jsem tě hledal 3:40