Schelinger, Jiří & František R. Čech
Hrrr na ně...

  • Format: LP
  • Band: Schelinger, Jiří & František R. Čech
  • Title: Hrrr na ně...
  • Band's Origin: CS
  • Style: Rock
  • Rating: 4
  • Release Year: 2021
  • Recording Year: 1976
  • Production Year: 1977/2021
  • Record Company: Supraphon
  • Item's Number: SU 6725-1
  • Color of the Label: red
  • Edition: 2021
  • Extras: inner sleeve
  • EAN: 099925672515
  • Weight: 246 g
  • Visual: new
  • Acoustic:
  • Cover: new

Supraphon Release Information

Anniversary vinyl reissue of the famous album

It was a miracle to make music that could be described as hard rock in our country in the mid-seventies. Quite unexpectedly, Jiří Schelinger and F. R. Čech’s band, composed of excellent instrumentalists, managed to do it. From the previous stars of pop bubble-gum, they turned into a well-paced group, both in terms of personnel and style, bringing their stage power to the studio, even though in the times of “normalisation” it was a struggle for every decibel.

The ten songs were offered by Jan Kavale and Jiří “Mamut” Stárek in the form of proving the treading rhythmics, great guitar was provided by Stanislav “Klásek” Kubeš, lyrics and percussions were contributed by František Ringo Čech and mostly own melodies were sung with welcome harshness by Jiří Schelinger. With a little help from Ota Petřina’s arrangements, the songs delighted everyone with a taste for censorship-dosed, but still quite hard rock. For example, “Kartágo” (Carthage), “Mám rád lidi” (I Like People) or “Lucrezia Borgia” are among the fans’ permanent favourites.

The anniversary reissue has preserved the complete form of the 1977 album, including various gems and spiels belonging to that time and those people. The sound has been given an up-to-date remaster. The cover art has been carefully reconstructed, this time even including one of the original essential slides, because as usual the graphic backgrounds were not preserved. The inner sleeve features memorable lyrics and photographs by O. Dlabola, capturing the classic line-up of the band during the first of the two seminal albums.

The vinyl is released as a testament to Schelinger’s great artistry in the months that mark two of his round anniversaries: his birth (1951) and his tragically early death (1981).

Full album:


Side A

1. a) Skeč Chlumec
1. b) Hrrr na ně… / Violo, jsem cellista!
1. c) Skeč Proč netleskají? 6:00
2. a) Lásky splín
2. b) Skeč Oboe 3:33
3. a) Kdo ví?
3. b) Skeč Řízeček 3:36
4. a) Siréna
4. b) Skeč To je fofr 2:56
5. a) Kartágo
5. b) Skeč Slepice do ztracena 3:54

Side B

1. a) Skeč U zubaře
1. b) Mám rád lidi
1. c) Skeč Pozaunéři 3:55
2. a) Lucrezia Borgia
2. b) Skeč Trumpeta jazzová 4:03
3. a) Perfektní ženich
3. b) Skeč Mistr houslí 4:29
4. a) Já jsem vrchol skromnosti
4. b) Skeč Čau-čau 3:50
5. a) Divné tušení
5. b) Skeč Odměna za LP 5:55