Niemen, Czesław & Akwarele
Czy mnie jeszcze pamiętasz

  • Format: CD
  • Band: Niemen, Czesław & Akwarele
  • Title: Czy mnie jeszcze pamiętasz
  • Band's Origin: PL
  • Style: Beat, Soul, Underground Rock
  • Rating: 4
  • Release Year: 1996
  • Recording Year: 1968
  • Production Year: 1968/1996
  • Record Company: Muza
  • Item's Number: PNCD 355
  • Color of the Label:
  • Edition:
  • Extras:
  • EAN: 5907783493553
  • Weight: 82 g
  • Visual: m--
  • Acoustic:
  • Cover: m

Warner Music Poland Release Information

Czesław Niemen’s third studio album “Czy mnie jeszcze pamiętasz” (Do You still Remember Me) has also been his last, recorded together with the band Akwarele (Watercolors). The album is a collection of the artist’s older songs, mostly from his days in Niebiesko-Czarni (Blue-Black). Re-recorded with Akwarele, in a different way and with a different sound, they gained new life and perfectly fit into Niemen’s musical biography.

The repertoire of the album was arranged by Niemen himself, who explained the choice of songs as follows: “I rather took into account my personal attachment to them, their popularity at concerts in an earlier period, well, and their compatibility with my stage image at the time. So I left out the obvious sambas from the very beginning or songs of someone else’s composition, performed with Niebiesko-Czarni. This gave the album – despite everything – the value of a certain cohesion, as well as a strictly authorial character”. The album also includes a new track: “Obok nas” (Beside Us), and two, coming from outside the artist’s repertoire: “Nie wiem, czy to warto” (I Don’t Know if itְ’s Worth It) and “Przyjdź w taką noc” (Come on such a Night).

The album contains practically all the great hits that made Czesław Niemen a star in the first half of the 1960s. Arranged and performed anew, they gained additional brilliance and confirmed their class.