Shopping basket deutsch

There are 10 items in your shopping basket.

1. 1 Bohemia - Zrnko písku - LP Supraphon EUR 30.00 Delete
2. 1 Děti Kapitána Morgana - Mami, proč jsi nezůstala v Africe - LP Indies Happy Trails EUR 9.75 Delete
3. 1 Hammel, Pavol & Marián Varga - Zelená pošta - LP Opus EUR 18.50 Delete
4. 1 Kalapács - Örökfekete - CD Hammer Records EUR 11.25 Delete
5. 1 Klan - Po co mi ten raj - CD Metal Mind Productions EUR 9.50 Delete
6. 1 Kubasińska, Mira & Breakout - Ogień - LP Warner Music Poland EUR 15.00 Delete
7. 1 Opća Opasnost - U Domu Sportova - BD Croatia Records EUR 11.25 Delete
8. 1 Parni Valjak - Vrijeme - CD Croatia Records EUR 11.25 Delete
9. 1 Teška Industrija - Bili smo raja - CD Croatia Records EUR 11.25 Delete
10. 1 Various Artists - Hard Rock Line 1975-1984 - LP Supraphon EUR 27.00 Delete
  Goods value:EUR 154.75 

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